Our Objectives



  • 01

    Objective 1
    To enhance the well-being of Vulnerable Families and Children by delivering Effective Humanitarian Assistance, Including WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene), Child Protection, and other Emergency Relief Services.
  • 02

    Objective 2
    To create Sustainable Livelihood and Income Generation Opportunities for all Afghan Women and Men by employing simple, sustainable approaches that effectively utilize Domestic Agriculture, Livestock, Water Resources, Human Expertise, and Available Capital.
  • 03

    Objective 3
    To enhance Afghan Human Capital by offering Comprehensive Support in Education, Training, and Capacity Building for individual Boys and Girls, Families, and Educational and Technical Training Institutions.
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    Objective 4
    To achieve Sustainable Economic and Social Empowerment for Afghan Women, Youth, and the Broader Community through the Effective Utilization of Afghanistan's Indigenous Natural Resources and Human Capital.