Child Right & Child Protection

Child Right & Child Protection

Afghanistan faces significant challenges regarding Child Rights and Protection due to Political Instability, Ongoing Conflict, and Cultural and Social Issues. Barriers such as Inadequate Infrastructure, Poverty, Cultural Norms, and Security Concerns hinder children's access to education, particularly for girls. Many Afghan children also lack proper documentation, making them vulnerable to exploitation and denying them access to essential services. In light of these challenges, BOBA prioritizes child protection and raising awareness of child rights. We possess strong expertise in planning and implementing various child rights initiatives, including awareness campaigns, maternal and child healthcare, and the establishment of child-friendly spaces.

Child Rights Initiatives

Child Rights Awareness

Establishment of Child-Friendly Spaces

Psychosocial Counseling

Child and Maternal Healthcare

Addressing Child Labor

Preventing Child Marriages

Transforming Social Norms and Practicess

Reuniting Unaccompanied Minors with Their Families

Ensuring Justice for Children